Lexington, KY

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Balance Innovation Center

Balance Innovation Center is excited to share all our news and progress in order to maintain transparency with the communities we work with.

  • AI As Your Doctor

    By Jill Mari Embry CEO/Founder Balance Innovation Center, LLC Recently., I  went to a memorial service for my mothers doctor....

I Could Get Fired For This-Understanding the Retention Problems With Women and Minorities in STEM

By Jill Mari Embry CEO/Founder of Balance Innovation Center. Recently I was listening to an NPR segment on the American Women’s’ Soccer Team and the abuses, including sexual, physical and...... Read More

Under-represented STEM: Do we need role models, mentors, or both?

By Jill Mari Embry: Founder/CEO Balance Innovation Center Merriam Webster defines a role model as: a person whose behavior in a particular role is imitated by others. Under-represented STEM: Do...... Read More


I heard an piece on a radio station about heroes and how they can be anyone. They do not have to be famous. My parents are my heroes. The lessons...... Read More